Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Inglés de la calle

Estos días que he estado en Oxford me han dado mucho material e ideas para mis clases pero... en ocasiones no vienen de un aula sino de la propia calle. Con la cámara del móvil a mano me dediqué a tomar muestras reales del día a día allí en forma de carteles, posters, folletos, anuncios, etc. Aquí tenéis el resultado:

1 comment:

Elizabeth Therese Gaughan said...

This is a really unique presentation on a resource that, I agree, is highly underused. You made a great point when you said don't go looking for specific things, but instead think of ways to use the things you see. That's a great philosophy in general, and is especially helpful when you don't have a ton of resources directly at hand. Thanks for making me think!