Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oxford Day 10

It isn't raining but the temperature is a bit lower. Still no problem, Oxford is beautiful come rain or shine.
It is well-known that there are very prestigious private schools in this country (here they are called public schools) like Eton or Harrow. Students stay in education until they are16 years old (like in Spain) but the government has planned one more year in the near future, so they will finish at 17.

English students learn foreign languages when they are in Secondary Education and the most popular ones are Spanish, French and German. However, they are not very good at languages; after all they speak the most international language in the world!!

English universities are also very famous around the world and many foreign students come to study here as part of their preparation. Apart from Oxford University, Cambridge is another important centre of university life and education.

Here there are also some problems of discipline of course but as much as 80% of school leavers keep on studying and just about 8% do nothing. This is a very good percentage!!

Today I found a very good quotation by Rita Dunn for my fellow teachers which goes "If the child is not learning they way you are teaching, try teaching the way the child is learning"

Finally, more video clips from this lovely city...

Greetings from OXFORD!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hola! Bueno, hoy hemos leído Mummy's Secrets (si es que se llama así) ya que la mayoría de las personas encargaron el libro pero no lo trajeron a tiempo. El libro está muy bien no como el otro que los que te decían que les había gustado mucho era para que les subieras la nota.
La maestra, a medida que la vas conociendo, te das cuenta de que es muy simpática y a mi me cae muy bien. Con ella las clases transcurren en completo silencio ya que con ella lo de hablar ni si quiera se nos pasa por la cabeza ya que es algo estricta en ese sentido ¡parecemos otros! pero tranquilo, que cuando llegues todo volvera a ser como antes y volveremos a hablar y hablar y hablar...

Saludos, Sara.