Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oxford Day 2

Today I'm having some problems with my camera and I can't upload new pictures...pity!!
This afternoon someone from the academy took us for an informal tour around the city and it is really a place to admire. There are beautiful hidden alleys and corners that you wouldn't find unless somebody takes you there. The weather is STILL so good that I can't believe it.
Today we have been discussing things related to the education system in the different countries we represent (Finland, Spain, Romania, Turkey, Poland, Lithuania, Czec Republic, etc.) and you find out really interesting things like:
- Teachers have a day off in Romania to compensate the work load they take home after school hours
- In Poland they have an oral exam in English after their secondary studies like the one we are about to introduce in Spain
- In Romania language classes are divided in two to make it easier
- In Poland private schools are nearly non-existent

Interesting, isn't it? We have also talked about the Education system in the UK where:
- Students can be placed in different programmes according to their competence
- All students have to wear uniforms no matter what school they attend
- Private schools are not very frequent unlike in Spain

Tomorrow we have a special event: A typical night in a pub. But that is another story!!

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